Oscilator final
Ce este oscilatorul final?
Ultimatul oscilator este un indicator tehnic care a fost dezvoltat de Larry Williams în 1976 pentru a măsura impulsul prețului unui activ pe mai multe perioade de timp. Utilizând media ponderată a trei intervale de timp diferite, indicatorul are mai puțină volatilitate și mai puține semnale comerciale comparativ cu alte oscilatoare care se bazează pe un singur interval de timp. Semnalele de cumpărare și vânzare sunt generate în urma divergențelor. Oscilatorul în cele din urmă generează mai puține semnale de divergență decât alte oscilatoare datorită construcției sale pe mai multe timpi.
Chei de luat masa
- Indicatorul folosește trei intervale de timp în calculul său: șapte, 14 și 28 de perioade.
- Perioada mai scurtă are cea mai mare pondere în calcul, în timp ce perioada mai lungă are cea mai mică pondere.
- Cumpara semnale apar atunci când există urcarea divergență, scăzut divergență este sub 30 pe indicator, iar oscilatorul apoi se ridică deasupra ridicat de divergență.
- Un semnal de vânzare apare atunci când există o divergență de urs, divergența ridicată este peste 70, iar oscilatorul cade apoi sub divergența scăzută.
Formula pentru oscilatorul final este:
How to Calculate the Ultimate Oscillator
- Calculate the Buying Pressure (BP) which is the close price of the period less the low of that period or prior close, whichever is lower. Record these values for each period as they will be summed up over the last seven, 14, and 28 periods to create BP Sum.
- Calculate the True Range (TR) which is the current period’s high or the prior close, whichever is higher, minus the lowest value of the current period’s low or the prior close. Record these values for each period as they will be summed up over the last seven, 14, and 28 periods to create TR Sum.
- Calculate Average7, 14, and 28 using the BP and TR Sums calculations from steps one and two. For example, the Average7 BP Sum is the calculated BP values added together for the last seven periods.
- Calculate the Ultimate Oscillator using the Average7, 14, and 28 values. Average7 has a weight of four, Average14 has a weight of two, and Average28 has a weight of one. Sum the weights in the denominator (in this case, the sum is seven, or 4+2+1). Multiply by 100 when other calculations are complete.
What Does the Ultimate Oscillator Tell You?
The Ultimate Oscillator is a range-bound indicator with a value that fluctuates between 0 and 100. Similar to the Relative Strength Index (RSI), levels below 30 are deemed to be oversold, and levels above 70 are deemed to be overbought. Trading signals are generated when the price moves in the opposite direction as the indicator, and are based on a three-step method.
Larry Williams developed the Ultimate Oscillator in 1976 and published it in Stocks & Commodities Magazine in 1985. With many momentum oscillators correlating too heavily to near-term price movements, Williams developed the Ultimate Oscillator to incorporate multiple timeframes to smooth out the indicator’s movements and provide a more reliable indicator of momentum, with fewer false divergences.
False divergences are common in oscillators that only use one timeframe, because when the price surges the oscillator surges. Even if the price continues to rise the oscillator tends to fall forming a divergence even though the price may still be trending strongly.
In order for the indicator to generate a buy signal, Williams recommended a three-step approach.
- First, a bullish divergence must form. This is when the price makes a lower low but the indicator is at a higher low.
- Second, the first low in the divergence (the lower one) must have been below 30. This means the divergence started from oversold territory and is more likely to result in an upside price reversal.
- Third, the Ultimate oscillator must rise above the divergence high. The divergence high is the high point between the two lows of the divergence.
Williams created the same three-step method for sell signals.
- First, a bearish divergence must form. This is when the price makes a higher high but the indicator is at a lower high.
- Second, the first high in the divergence (the higher one) must be above 70. This means the divergence started from overbought territory and is more likely to result in a downside price reversal.
- Third, the Ultimate oscillator must drop below the divergence low. The divergence low is the low point between the two highs of the divergence.